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aerial view of student parking lot with painted spaces
Tennis tem participating in team huddle
picture of time capsule chalkboard with a note from a teacher in the year 2000
Robotics student showing his computer screen and how he codes his robot.
Three robotics students being interviewed by a new anchor.
Students using VR to learn about cells.
Students using Jenga blocks to build a tower
Students in a drunk driving simulated class
JROTC students working at a booth.

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Learning, Leading, Succeeding

A picture of Cori and her daughter outside in front of a porch swing.

"Over the years, Duplin County Schools (DCS) has created a very unique and welcoming environment for students. At East Duplin, My children have always felt very comfortable and the teachers, counselors, administrators, and coaches have been very positive and encouraging to them. My children have been nothing but blessed being in the DCS system. My daughter is currently working with K-2 students which will prepare her for her future line of work. She has also been able to participate in many clubs and activities at East Duplin. DCS has always given my children opportunities for growth in the path they desire and I have enjoyed watching my child flourish in the path she loves.  I can’t wait to see the wonderful opportunities that lie ahead for her and the other students in the DCS system."